Friday, July 18, 2008

Eggy Angry!!!!

I just want to state that I'm very angry at the moment. A site called CashKrazy is annoying the hell out of me. In order to cash out, you need $400 dollars to claim what you have earned. Well I have $267 earned with $287.50 pending. The problem is that the pending amount has been like that for 2days and the site claims to clear pending funds in 2-24 hours. Well I'll see if that ever happens. I'll post an update here if anything happens!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sony Loves to Kick Itself In the Ass

An article posted on has the boss of Sony calling the Wii as an expensive niche item. I would like to add my own lighter fluid to this fire. The Wii is selling more because it has games that appeal to every one. In face, the Wii has GAMES period. The game library of the Playstation 3 is weak unless you have a backwards capible version of the console.

Until Sony can market something other than a 'cheap blu-ray player', I don't want to hear it anymore Sony. Nintendo can back up their console in the number of units sold. Just because you're in third place doesn't mean that you can't call the leader of the current console war a 'non-competitor'.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Just Doesn't Feel The Same

Well it has been one week since coming back from Myrtle Beach,SC and all I have to say is that I miss it a little bit. That was my first time going out to the ocean and I must say that it was a blast. Sure, I got burnt on a few occasions but it really wasn't bad. It gave me a good chance to even out my farmer's tan that I have had for ages. I'll post pics sometime this week. Especially the one where a plane crashed into the ocean!

P.S. I know this is a shameless plug but if you love video games from all around the world then click the Play Asia link above these posts!