Friday, October 15, 2010

Software Patents Are Ridiculous

After reading this article, I finally believe that the whole Software Patent system is the most absurd thing known to mankind.

Seriously, companies are being sued because of rollover ads?!? That is just mind boggling. Sure rollover ads are extremely annoying but it does grab the user's attention when the stumble upon the content. For a company to have a 'patent' for something so basic to write in HTML code is beyond me.

This is just proof that the software patent system is one of the most broken systems in the world. This ranks right up there with the RIAA charging $750 per 'stolen' song. Until the governments realize that this system needs to be removed, lawyers will be raking in cash and people who try to invent something new will be sued off the planet because it has been supposedly patented even though it has never been developed or used ever!


Arcotemple said...

Great blog. Consider me a follower from here on out.

Anonymous said...

yup gotta agree on that one

Stav88os said...


MTL beer said...

It won't ever be removed because the people that could remove it profit too much from it :)

nice blog btw, followed

Anonymous said...

a vicious cycle indeed and at the both the consumer and developers expense

Unknown said...

Great post. Showing support!

tigey said...

Interesting !