Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Windows 7 Beta (Build 7000) Part 1

I’ve stated this countless times already, but it is finally time for my thoughts on the current beta of Windows 7 Build 7000.

The first major thing that you’ll see when you start Windows 7 for the 1st time is the new taskbar.

As you can see, the taskbar is a mix of Windows Vista (the Start Orb) and a mix of OSX (the dockbar). The default Windows 7 install puts IE 8, Windows Explorer, and WMP as the 1st 3 icons. This new taskbar is a blend of the old Windows taskbar and the Quick Launch that was introduced with IE 4. All related windows are grouped with that application. So multiple Firefox windows will show up as one Firefox icon on the taskbar.

One major change is when one right clicks on an item in the taskbar. Gone is the basic context menu, and is replace with a new feature called the Jumplist.

The Jumplist will give your history from IE 8 right at your fingertips and give you common commands for an application if it supports the Jumplist feature.

This is just a little taste of the changes in Windows 7. Stay tuned for the next part of my Windows 7 breakdown.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Motivation Of The Day


Also my thoughts on Windows 7 will be posted later today!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

College Students and The Brain

When someone enters college you usually expect them to be somewhat intelligent since they actually made it to college. Well, yesterday that myth was finally busted. No, I’m not talking about something alcohol related. I’m talking about a false fire alarm at 4 a.m. Usually when people hear a fire alarm, they will usually flee to the nearest exited and escaped from any potential harm. Well, when it comes to California University of Pennsylvania students that really isn’t the case.

Take into account my roommate (Tom); it took him about 5 minutes just to find a pair of pants to use since it was about 7 degrees outside. Me on the other hand just heard the alarm go off after it was mentioned to me and went back to bed with the cover thrown over my head.

So it seems that depending where you go, fire alarms mean different things. Or it just might be the fact that no one gives a damn when the alarm goes off at 4 in the damn morning!

Fail of The Day

Today’s fail from


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Current Conclusions

I’m not a racist or a bastard, at least I would like to think so. I’ve noticed so far this semester that two of my courses are going to be very fun. These 2 professors speak with heavy accents.

I would just like to state that I would like to at least understand the classes that I’m paying for. Oh well, I guess. There really isn’t much that can be done about it except to tough it out.

On a higher note: I probably will post my thoughts on the beta of Windows 7!

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Last Round Begins

This Sunday begins the final portion of my 4 year journey @ California University of Pennsylvania. It has been a long road but it will pay for itself come May 2nd. Although the ‘Cabana’ will be become separated, the time together will never be forgotten. The random Mario Kart races where one goes from 1st to 4th on the last leg of Rainbow Road will always live on (especially since I have a picture of that victim!). After this semester, I will have to move into this so call ‘real world’ and try to survive. Well, lets just see how this semester pans out 1st!